Hi there agradoce! I apologize for taking so long to answer your reading request, I’ve been super busy with university classes and family stuff and now that I’m on my break I’ve just gotten the energy to plow through my to-do list. I decided to take a break from my unusual deck and do your reading with my copy of the Hanson-Roberts tarot, which are 3/4 the size of standard sized Tarot cards and are illustrated in watercolour in a fairytale-esque fashion. Also, don’t worry about your English, I understood you just fine :o)
So, I shuffled and focused on the question, “What can agradoce do to help improve her current state of being?” and I drew three cards. Instead of telling you the future, each of these cards represents a different idea/technique/method the Universe is suggesting you can do to usher in more peace, productivity and positivity into your life.
Card 1 - Ten of Swords (What you can do to bring more peace into your life)
Traditionally speaking, the Ten of Swords is a bit of a gruesome card. It shows a young man laying on the ground with all of these swords sticking up from his back. Normally this card speaks to betrayal and feeling as though you’ve been stabbed in the back, but in this instance, I’m not getting that energy at all. The one element of this card that’s really drawing my eye is the beaded headband around the young gent’s head, the string of which has been broken and several of the red beads are on the ground. It makes me think of an abacus (the Asian counting device that uses counting beads on strings or pieces of wood in a frame) and the idiom of “Counting your blessings” despite the crap that may have been going on lately. Whenever you start to feel unsettled and restless, take a moment out to focus on those little things and think of all the wonderful, beautiful things in your life that others may not have. When you counterbalance the emotional restlessness with the reassurance of the little things, it really helps in promoting a grounded and positive sense of mind that helps get things flowing when you feel stuck in a rut or a crappy period of time.

Card 2 - Four of Rods (What you can do to increase your productivity)
The Four of Rods is a wonderfully positive card! It shows a young couple celebrating their recent marriage underneath a canopy of flowers, the four rods forming the structure within. In the symbolism of the card, each of the batons represents a different physical element (Earth, Air, Fire, Water) and then the couple within represents the embodiment of them all and enlivened with Spirit (the couple). For me, when I see this card in the context of figuring out a way to increase and spark off your productivity would be making sure that the foundation for any projects your working on at the present are strong and then perhaps considering trying a collaborative project with another professional. I feel as though incorporating another person this way will not only keep your personal accountability relevant, but it will also give you a breath of fresh air and be a source of motivation and inspiration.
Card 3 - The Star (What you can do to promote positive energy)
The Star is part of the Major Arcana, which gives me the signal that this advice is particularly important for you at this point in time. It tells me that a lot of the negativity and not-so-fabulous experiences you have been having of late are passing out of your life, similar to how the water is passing through her fingers on the card, so I believe this card is appearing in part to reassure you that things definitely are going to turn a corner. In particular, there are two elements that are really standing out to me right now: the flora near her waist and the bird in the tree. With the image of the flora, I think the Universe is either suggesting you get out into nature more by going to parks, etc., or it is suggesting that you get yourself some potted plants to spruce up your living space and get the stagnant energy flowing. Another element of energy that I’m picking up there is gardening, which I’m not sure how feasible that is depending on what your living situation is, but I’m definitely getting something with plants and nature (which is supported in part by the bird leaping out at me, too). In addition to that, normally I don’t like making predictions or being a predictive reader, but I really feel as though you’re about to get a message, potentially one that makes peace between you and another person, because the bird itself looks like a weird combination between a pigeon and a dove. Mind you, things could change depending on a multitude of factors, but that bird is certainly giving off a strong indication of a message.
I sincerely hope you found this reading helpful! If you have any questions, feel free to message me again :)